Security Advice – OpenSSL Heartbleed Bug

OpenSSL Heartbleed Bug – Informational purposes only. No action is required. We wish to advise that we are aware of the security vulnerability and every web server that we manage has been patched. Hence, your website is NOT at risk. We’ve been contacted by...

Don’t Lose Your Web Traffic: Content Is The Key for Google Panda and Penguin

The web is changing as we know it thanks to Google’s latest crusade (Google Panda and Google Penguin) to clean up the rubbish on the internet including spam, link farms and poor content. Professionals across the SEO industry have been trying to deal with the...

Facebook Pages For Your Business

It surprises me how many clients who run eCommerce websites I speak with each week who tell me, while they know they should be on Facebook, they just haven’t found the time to get started or don’t know where to begin. This must mean that their business is...