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The world’s most popular open-source CMS, powering over 40% of the web.

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Zen Cart

The easy yet powerful open-source ecommerce solution for businesses of all sizes.

Woo Commerce

The world’s most popular open-source ecommerce solution, empowering over 5 million online stores.


The most powerful open-source ecommerce platform for growth-focused retailers.


Discussion – 


What makes people buy from your Zen Cart Store?

I recently came across this independent report and thought I would share it with you. It states the top 10 influential factors for shopping online. I promise it’s worth a read so why not print it out and take a look over the weekend?

eCommerce customer expectations

How does your site rate against them?

I’ve picked out some of the most important factors listed and added a quick and easy solution that we can help you with…. so keep reading!

» Pricing and Shipping information clearly stated

Are your prices and shipping costs clearly shown?

If the answer is no or you’re not sure, then I suggest you consider our Enhanced Shipper module (£75). This module allows you to set up and manage shipping costs based on a mix of criteria:

  1. Ship by weight/order total
  2. set up multiple delivery regions
  3. a mix of methods (e.g if the total order value is greater than £x.xx and the weight is less than y.y kg then its free shipping etc)

Read more at Enhanced Shipper for Zen Cart

» Visual Appealing (Redesign)

Similar to your site looking trustworthy, customers consider the look and feel of your site before buying online. Is it time for a bit of housekeeping or a completely new look? We’re always full of fresh ideas so give us a call to talk to one of our designers today.

Read more at JSWeb Zen Cart Design Services

» Customer and Checkout Experience

I’m a big fan of the One Page Checkout module & I’ll tell you why (there is a hint in the name!). It allows customers to fill in all their info (shipping address, billing address & payment details) on one page, making it less likely for them to abandon the sale and go elsewhere.

“According to industry publications, average shopping cart abandonment rates are between 60% – 70%. Put in to simple numbers, if you have 100 people start the checkout process and 65% abandon it, you just lost 65 sales. To take that further, if your average order value is £49 you lost £3185 in revenue!!

» Linking to Social Media – Is it for me?

Unless you have been hiding under a rock you will have heard of Facebook and Twitter. Social Media is everywhere and it’s not going away!

So do you want to open your website up to the social networking world? JSWEB will connect your zen cart website to the most popular networks around by installing

  • Twitter Page Button and or
  • Facebook Page Button

It will allow your customers to “LIKE” or “TWEET” to their friends and follow your products! This is a really simple way to get visitors to advertise/promote your business for you and to increase sales!

If you’d like to use the power of social media on your website get in touch 

» About Us

JSWeb is a team of eCommerce experts dedicated to helping provide best-in-class products and services that make it possible for eCommerce stores to run profitable and successful businesses using Zen Cart.

Website: https://jsweb.uk
Tel: UK: 0345 862 0012
Twitter: @jswebuk | Facebook: https://facebook.com/jsweb.uk

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